Fabrics manufacturers and related industries are interested in a good promotion of their business. That's why a professional website presenting information and the whole range of products is...
Sales: 40
Support: 4.1/5
Gas & 石油交易Joomla模板
Gas & Oil Trading is a 响应 Oil And Gas Company Joomla Template, created for gas and oil companies. Feel free to create a design that meets your needs with Theme Color Switcher and Google...
Sales: 77
Support: 4.1/5
If you're looking for a fully 响应 and clutterfree template for interior and furniture website, 这里有一个可以考虑. 这个美丽的基于图像的设计与负空间和明亮...
Sales: 24
Support: 4.1/5
This Industrial Company Joomla Template is designed for companies providing 工业 services. Each element of the site is carefully designed and looks amazing on any screens. 速度...
Sales: 51
Support: 4.1/5
Gray background of this template ideally emphasizes the civil 工程 character. The large pictures throughout the pages are aimed to visualize the best skills of your company. 此外,...
Sales: 40
Support: 3/5


产业组织非常多样化, so you need to consider the specific niche you're serving when coming up with a design. 值得庆幸的是, there's a huge collection of occupational 工业 Joomla templates that cater to different types of industries, 所以你会找到一个适合你需要的. Want to know which features do you get along with production manufacturing themes? 你马上就知道了.

行业的主要特征 & 制造Joomla模板


这些主题大多是现成的, 因此,您可以节省大量从头开始设计的时间. The best part is that you can easily make changes with the design using custom features so that the template best serves your interests. 附带的安装说明也使设置变得简单.


The 工业 Joomla themes also come with a rich collection of high-quality stock photos appropriate for your website. 无论你是在石油行业还是在纺织市场工作, you'll find the right images to add to the ones you have and display them through the template's gallery function. On the other hand, we have a great service for stock photos that match any line of business.


Client communication is also made easy both for you and your customers with the help of contact forms, 谷歌地图, 用户注册表格, and more. They allow for faster transactions with whatever 工业 supply you have to offer. Contact form is a good resource to gain visitors' data and generate them for the customers.


A blog is a great way to get feedback from your audience and generate more traffic and sales for your business. 每次你写一篇新文章, you add new content that positively affects the 工业 site's position in Google. In addition to this, blogging will allow you to start writing content with the keywords you need.


  • 响应设计
  • 管理面板
  • 快速入门包(all-in-one)
  • 下拉菜单,大菜单
  • 示例演示内容
  • JQuery库,Bootstrap框架
  • 搜索引擎友好代码
  • 视差效果
  • 切片的PSD文件包括
  • RTL的支持
  • 视网膜上准备好了
  • 惰性加载效应


人们只用手机打电话的日子已经过去了. Modern smartphones are almost full-fledged computers, sharpened for a variety of tasks. Therefore, today, site developers prefer a mobile-friendly design that allows them to make a page that will look good on any device.


  • 受众覆盖及推广. Search engines better rank resources; therefore, 他们的特点是更有效的广告;
  • 你不会失去忠实的访客和潜在的客户. According to the latest data, almost 60% of users leave a page if it takes a long time to load. 由于响应式设计,没有这样的问题.
  • 转化率显著提高. 创建一个适合seo的设计意味着对可用性进行彻底的研究, 哪些对转化率有积极影响.
  • 网站的竞争力也很重要. 借助Joomla工业网站主题, 你将大大超过你的竞争对手,并吸引更多的用户.

总而言之,我们可以说每个企业都需要一个网站. 我们开发了这个Joomla工业模板集用于考古, 工程, 制造业公司也需要在线存在.

与行业网站创建提示 & 制造Joomla模板

对于进一步的工作,我们建议集中于客户的需求. 毕竟,互联网正变得越来越友好. 试着支持这一趋势!

  • 奖状. 人们倾向于相信其他顾客的评论. 当然,它们必须是真实的.
  • 你的团队. Introduce visitors to your team members and show that the company cares about every customer.
  • 博客/新闻节. 保持你的忠实客户. 这样,你会离他们更近. 这表明您的站点定期更新.

别担心. 您将能够自定义您的工业模板Joomla自己. All of them are fully editable, and you are welcome to change everything that you want. Joomla是一个易于操作的平台,因此您可以处理它.



是的,它们是. 有了这个功能,你可以提高你网站的质量和数量. The higher the position of a web resource in search engines, the more people visit it. 没有SEO推广, even the highest quality website will be useless: if the search engines do not see the content, 它的存在毫无意义.


Yes, we give you various sources to help you get familiar with your 工业 organization Joomla theme, 包括安装和编辑说明. 每个Joomla模板都带有文档和教程. Moreover, you may visit our 帮助中心 to see more guides and useful information that should help you.


是的,当然. 我们也有一个报价,可能会帮助你-多语言包. 这意味着我们的技术人员将通过电子邮件与您联系以获取所有细节. 我们将添加多达5种语言到您的网站.


Sorry, it's not possible with 'For 1 Site' license, you'll need to buy a 'For 5 Sites' license.

为什么要使用Joomla工业 & 制造业的主题? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

观看有关杰出Joomla工业主题功能的有用视频. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, 内置页面编辑器, 以及更多有价值的机会来发展你的行业 & 制造网站项目独特而成功!